Avui, recupero un article de Núria Molina (amiga de Rubí) a www.SocialEurope.eu.
L’article, del gener, resumeix la recerca duta a terme per ActionAid entorn el cost que té la desigualtat pel treball de les dones. La cerca es presenta aquest cap de setmana (16 a 18 de juliol) al congrés d’economia feminista que tindrà lloc a Berlin.
«Ser al costat equivocat de l’equació costa a les dones dels països pobres 9 trilions de dòlars cada any. En unes altres paraules, més que el PIB de Gran Bretanya, Alemanya i França junts»
It’s that Davos time of the year, when a bunch of powerful men gather in a luxurious Swiss ski resort to re-assure the 99% that the global economy is in good hands.
But is it?
According to IMF head Christine Lagarde “The answer is most likely ‘No’.” A spectre of a nightmarish deflationary spiral of falling prices and wages might be around the corner, she said this week.
In plain language, workers real wages fall, hence aggregate consumption falls, hence Largarde’s nightmarish spiral. This is not news; we’ve heard it often in recent times: lower returns on labour are stalling growth. In short: It’s inequality, stupid! [continua llegint]